Hello, I'm Blake
I am a full stack web developer

Work Experience

Fullstack Software Developer - 4 Month Co-op @ WarrierTech

During my time at WarrierTech, I contributed hundreds to thousands of lines of code in both the C# Azure Function serverless backend, and the Angular client frontend codebases. I wrote and designed implementations to help our brewery clients manage their brewing processes, inventory management, and data to help with government compliance. I managed CRUD operations between multiple databases including both relational and non-relational databases. Working on a codebase that had many developers writing to it, I became proficient in the use of Git source control, as well as using Azure Cloud services to handle deployment and other DevOps tasks.




Azure Cloud


SQL Server







Message Board

Express Node.js back-end message board website demonstrationg CRUD based operations where users can signup, log in, make posts to be displayed in a chatboard and delete posts if they are registered as an admin user. Posts are sanitized for security, saved into MongoDb, and processed with Mongoose. Log in authentication is handled through passport and bcryptJS to hash & salt passwords in order to keep them secret and private. Log in session is handled by express-session. This project follows a Router/Controller/Model structure.

Pokemon Memory Game

A fun memory game built in React using RESTful API calls with the PokeApi. Keeps track of high scores using useState, game logic in JavaScript interconnected with React components, and many little animation effects utilizing useEffect

The premise is that you gain a point for every click on a card that you haven't previously clicked on. The card number will continue to increase until you click on the same card twice which will cause you to lose and start over again.

Java Web Socket Chat Room

Full Stack web app written in Spring-Boot MVC, Java, JavaScript, and CSS/HTML.

Utilized Websocket and Stomp.js technologies to create a chat room where multiple users can chat in real time.
